Ferry departures from Savona
Ferry departures from Savona
Savona Terminal Auto
Zona alti fondali
Port of Savona
Check in
Ferry departures to Italy
For departures bound to Porto Torres and Cagliari: check-in will be done by our staff in the Maritime Station. Boarding operations end 30 minutes before departure.
It is required to show up at embarkation at least an hour and a half before departure without a vehicle, two hours before departure with vehicle
Inside the port terminals there is a meeting point where people with disabilities or people with reduced mobility can announce their arrival and ask for assistance.
Passengers traveling without a vehicle are not allowed pedestrian access to the port.
However, it is possible to take advantage of a shuttle service to / from the port, which connects the city center from two meeting points to the embarkation / disembarkation quay.
Meeting point for the shuttle service:
FS Railway Station
Brandale Square:
Piazza Mameli:
SHUTTLE TIMETABLES FROM 20/09/2022 TO 01/07/2023
Route Railway Station – Grimaldi Lines ferry port (Port Area)
Railway station, Piazza Mameli, Via Gramsci (bus stop located at the arcades 20 meters before Piazza del Brandale)
Port of Savona
Railway Station FS – Savona | 18.30 | 19.20 |
Piazza Mameli | 18.40 | 19.30 |
Via Gramsci (Fermata autobus) | 18.50 | 19.40 |
Port of Savona | 18.55 | 19.45 |
Grimaldi Lines ferry stopover route (Port Area) – Piazza Mameli – Railway Station
Port of Savona, Via Pietro Giuria, Piazza Mameli, Railway Station
Port of Savona | 8.30 | 9.20 |
Via Pietro Giuria (Brandale) | 8.35 | 9.30 |
Piazza Mameli | 8.45 | 9.40 |
Railway Station FS – Savona | 8.55 | 9.45 |
Foot passengers disembarking in Savona will be able to take the shuttle directly under board at the landing and will be accompanied to one of the meeting points of their choice in the city.
Documents necessary for boarding
Don’t forget that all passengers, including those UNDER AGED , must show up at embarkation with a valid identity document. Be always informed about valid travel documents before leaving.
Active routes from the port of Savona
How to get there:
From Albisola Exit :
after the toll, turn right and follow the signs: Savona and Porto. After about 1 km, at the crossing turn right and take the Via Aurelia, along the sea for about 3 km to Savona city. After a short climb (Via Gramsci) take the traffic circòe turning left at the castle Priamar and follow the signs to Porto customs entrance. Once at the gate, you must show your ticket to access to the port areas and follow the signs or indications of operators along the road to get to the Tensostruttura.
From Savona Exit:
follow the direction of Savona and Porto Centro, proceeding along the main road (C.so Svizzera). At the traffic circle (after about 1 km) continue along the main street (Via Stalingrado). After about 3 km you enter the city, passing under a railway bridge: at the traffic circle, continue in the tree-lined avenue (C.so Tardy Benech and then C.so Mazzini) until the entrance to the harbor. Once at the gate, you must show your ticket to access to the port areas and follow the signs or indications of operators along the road to get to the Tensostruttura.