Purchase your tickets for the ferry to Tunisia comfortably on the website: Grimaldi Lines connects Central Italy, from the port of Civitavecchia, to Tunis, the port of La Goulette.
On board the ship Catania of the Grimaldi Fleet you can spend the time of the journey pleasantly: you can choose among different types of accommodation, from the simple deck passage to the large reclining armchairs to the comfortable cabins; moreover you will find restaurants, self-service restaurants and bars offering menus of different types for all tastes. You can also take your car, motorbike, van or camper on board to move freely once you have reached your destination.
Take advantage of the offers for Tunisia and set off on a new journey with Grimaldi Lines ferries.
Timetables from 01/01/2025 to 28/02/2025 and from 27/10/2025 to 21/12/2025
Timetables from 01/03/2025 to 30/03/2025
Timetables from 31/03/2025 to 31/05/2025
Timetables from 01/06/2025 to 26/10/2025
Timetables from 01/01/2025 to 28/02/2025 and from 31/03/2025 to 31/05/2025 and from 27/10/2025 to 21/12/2025
Timetables from 01/03/2025 to 30/03/2025
Timetables from 01/06/2025 to 26/10/2025
Scheduled departure/arrival times (subject to changes, e.g. based on weather/sea conditions)
For the lines Tunisia, in order to speed up all the control procedures, it is necessary to show up three hours before boarding and check-in is possible up to one hour before departure.
To avoid delays, it is good to inquire correctly about boarding procedures for ferries.