Ferry departures from Corfù


Patras Travel Shipping Agency P.C.
4 Ethnikis Antistaseos str.
Corfu, Greece, P.C.: 49100

Check in 

Check-in will be carried out by our staff in the Maritime Station. It is required to show up at embarkation at least two hours before departure.

Inside the port terminals there is a meeting point where people with disabilities or people with reduced mobility can announce their arrival and ask for assistance.

Documents necessary for boarding

Don’t forget that all passengers, including those UNDER AGED , must show up at embarkation with a valid identity document. Be always informed about valid travel documents before leaving.

Active routes from the port of Corfù

Corfù – Ancona
Book now
Corfù – Brindisi
Book now

How to get there:

The port of Corfu is located in the eastern part of the island, in the north-east area of the city of Corfu. To reach it, follow the signs “Corfù Town” and “Corfù port” along the main coastal road that in the area adjacent to the port takes the name of Ethnikis Antistaseos str.