Grimaldi Educa

Educational trips and educational activities for 2023/2024

Grimaldi Educa is a project dedicated to students of lower and upper secondary schools with the aim of making them live an educational and travel experience able to combine knowledge with know-how in a highly stimulating environment.

The project revolves around the idea of travel that is enriched with contents of free educational programs and guided tours in places rich in culture. A complete proposal that stimulates the sense of belonging to a group, the links with schoolmates and the establishment of new friendships with students from all over the country, beyond the knowledge and scholastic excellence.

Grimaldi Lines travel solutions for Spain, Greece, Sardinia and Sicily contribute to the mobility of young people with safe, economical and environmentally friendly guided tours and educational trips.

Original and innovative programmes are available both in the formula only ship and ship+hotel and involve students from all over Italy every year.

starting from 180 €* find the travel solution best suited to the needs of the school

Activity period:

from September to June

Grimaldi Group has obtained the 2023 Quality Assurance Label (BAQ), established by Confindustria and attributed to the Companies in relation to school-work alternation activities carried out in the context of higher technical courses during the 2023/2024 school year.

For info and reservations contact us:
+39 081.496.444

*In Hotel on Board formula 3 nights / 4 days on board the flagships of the Grimaldi Lines fleet on the Civitavecchia-Barcelona-Civitavecchia line with a stop and overnight on board in Barcelona for 1 night.

Grimaldi Group SpA
Sede legale Palermo - Via Emerico Amari n°8 | Capitale Sociale: €150.000.000,00 | C.F. e Registro Imprese di Palermo: 00117240820 | P.IVA: IT 00117240820