Grimaldi Educa

Educational trips and educational activities for 2023/2024

Grimaldi Lines for the training and mobility of young students makes use of valuable collaborations able to support the important project dedicated to the scholastic world. Thus the training and travel proposals are based on consolidated experiences of carefully selected partners who enthusiastically navigate with students to discover new knowledge and places to explore.

Training partner

Mobility partner

Grimaldi Group has obtained the 2023 Quality Assurance Label (BAQ), established by Confindustria and attributed to the Companies in relation to school-work alternation activities carried out in the context of higher technical courses during the 2023/2024 school year.

For info and reservations contact us:
+39 081.496.444

Grimaldi Group SpA
Sede legale Palermo - Via Emerico Amari n°8 | Capitale Sociale: €150.000.000,00 | C.F. e Registro Imprese di Palermo: 00117240820 | P.IVA: IT 00117240820