Mare Nostrum Awards is the international journalistic award announced by the on-board magazine Grimaldi Magazine Mare Nostrum, dedicated to the promotion of sea travel in the Mediterranean and in particular to the knowledge of the Motorways of the Sea, with the aim of enhancing this exceptional opportunity for exchanges, connections and sustainable development for all countries in the Mediterranean area.

In the 16th edition of the Prize, the prize is 50,000 euros to be divided among the first five classified entries.

All professional journalists, publicists, photographers and video makers who, from 15 September 2023 to 15 April 2024, have published a paper on sea travel in the Mediterranean, highlighting in particular the advantages of the Motorways of the Sea in economic terms, are invited to participate in the award. , social and environmental.

Journalistic, television and radio reports, documentaries, photographic reports and economic-tourism investigations carried out in Italian, English, Spanish, Catalan, French or Greek will be accepted.

The authors must be resident in Europe, Tunisia and Morocco, while the works must have been published in the above-mentioned countries, in national daily and periodical press, press specialized in tourism or road transport, also in online versions, news agencies, national and local radio and television stations, photography magazines and photography exhibitions.

Furthermore, to promote better knowledge of the highways of the sea, prize participants will be able to take advantage of a trip on board one of the modern and comfortable Grimaldi Lines and Minoan Lines ships in service between Italy, Spain and Greece. The trip must be made by March 31, 2024.

To be eligible for the prize, the entries must be received by 30 April 2024, via traditional post, at the Prize’s Organizational Secretariat.

Organizational Secretariat of the Award

Chiara Palmiero

Via Marchese Campodisola, 13 – 80133 Naples

Tel. 081 496677 – Fax 081 496390 – email:

Grimaldi Group SpA
Sede legale Palermo - Via Emerico Amari n°8 | Capitale Sociale: €150.000.000,00 | C.F. e Registro Imprese di Palermo: 00117240820 | P.IVA: IT 00117240820