Multi-risk insurance

Multi-risk insurance, which also includes the trip cancellation guarantee, will soon be available for online sale again.

We apologize for the inconvenience and we inform you that the policy can be included at the time of booking, or afterwords but not later than 30 days before departure.

Therefore, if you wish to include the insurance and your departure is scheduled in less than 30 days, please do not make the reservation online, but contact the Grimaldi Lines call center at +39 081.496.444 or write an e-mail to

Grimaldi Group SpA
Sede legale Palermo - Via Emerico Amari n°8 | Capitale Sociale: €150.000.000,00 | C.F. e Registro Imprese di Palermo: 00117240820 | P.IVA: IT 00117240820